Assignments | Family Retreat | Counseling | Weddings | Funerals


The Christian ideal of marriage is based on Christ’s words
that a man and wife are to be regarded as a single organism…. 
As a consequence, Christianity teaches that marriage is for life

C. S. Lewis in Mere Christianity, pp 95-96

Other than your baptism, your wedding day may be the most important day of your life. It is a day which requires much thought and much prayer. At Brentwood Oaks, we believe in marriage. We believe it in so much that we do not celebrate services of marriage without proper planning. 

A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together.
It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

Dave Meurer, Daze of our Wives

Pre-engagement/premarital counseling

Our experience has taught us that adequate preparation for marriage helps couples enjoy a higher degree of satisfaction earlier in their life together. For this reason, we only conduct ceremonies for persons who have received comprehensive pre-marital conversations. At Brentwood Oaks, these are scheduled at two-week intervals. As you consider asking our ministers to assist you with your wedding, please allow a minimum of 12 weeks for the completion of these sessions.

We offer both pre-engagement (2-3 conversations) and pre-marital conversations without charge. You will find the six-session premarital conversations to be enjoyable and useful as you plan to spend the rest of your lives together. In premarital conversations we use the PREPARE/ENRICH inventory. There is a $35 fee for the use of this instrument.

That is what marriage really means:
helping one another to reach the full status of being persons,
responsible and autonomous beings who do not run away from life.

Paul Tournier

Facilities, fees and scheduling

Our facility is well-suited for rehearsals and rehearsal dinners as well as weddings and wedding receptions. There are no fees of any kind associated with any minister’s service to you with respect to your wedding. This is part of the ministry to which God has called us. There are, however, fees associated with using the facilities of the congregation, even for its members. Facility arrangements must be made in writing. A quick review of our facilities contract (download below) will answer many of your questions. Carla McQueen, our wedding coordinator, will be happy to visit with you about scheduling, fees, and other important details.