Ladies Bible Class - Spring 2025
Ladies of all ages are invited to BOCC for Ladies Bible Class, studying the Sermon on the Mount as well as “Bearing God’s Name”, starting on February 5 at 10 am in room A-150.
Ladies of all ages are invited to BOCC for Ladies Bible Class, studying the Sermon on the Mount as well as “Bearing God’s Name”, starting on February 5 at 10 am in room A-150.
Join us for a morning full of fellowship, praise, and study as we take a closer look at the theme of generosity throughout scripture. God has blessed us with an abundant world full of everything we could ever need. So why is it that we often find ourselves worrying that there isn’t enough? Not enough time, not enough money, not enough food, not enough space, not enough volunteers…not enough. Jesus embraces a different worldview that would have us ponder the birds of the air and the lilies of the field and be reassured that there is always enough.
On this special night, Churches of Christ all over Austin gather to worship together. This gathering at the Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ will be a wonderful time of worship, scripture, and fellowship.
The Brentwood Oaks Church Retreat has been a gathering of our church family since 1974. In those 50 years, many fish have been caught (and dutifully released), many softballs tossed, many wonderful meals have been prepared, eaten, and cleaned up. Many friendships have begun and been nurtured, but most of all many, many people have drawn closer to God and to their Christian brothers and sisters during this time we enjoy together in God’s beautiful creation.
It is a great time to get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, to slow down and listen to the birds or just to watch children play. You can enjoy a cup of coffee quietly down by the waterside or enjoy a cookie with a friend on the porch. Encouragement comes on the wings of the songs we offer in praises to our Lord and Savior.
During these years, many kids who grew up coming to this retreat are now returning with their own children. Please join us as we continue this tradition of making wonderful memories in this corner of God’s heaven here on earth.
The 2025 Church Retreat is April 11-13
Join in our celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead on Sunday, April 20. The schedule for the day is as follows:
7:00 AM - Sunrise Service in the Courtyard
8:00 AM - Breakfast in the Parlor
8:30 AM - Easter Egg Hunt for children 18 months through 5th grade
9:00 AM - Bible Classes for all ages
10:15 AM - Worship together
Join us on March 5th for First Wednesday! Freshmen and Sophomores will be leading! Bring a Wig, Eat some Wings!
See you there!!!!
Join us for First Sunday Meal! The menu for March is TBD.
Each month, our whole youth group (6th-12th graders) gathers on the first Wednesday night to worship together and have fun! One of our high school classes is in charge of leading our time of worship and always do a great job. This month, we will take old jeans and help turn them into parts of shoes for people in Africa.
We will be playing low-impact this time around. This is a smaller marker and smaller paintball so it is not moving as fast. Jeans and a sweatshirt/hoodie are recommended.
It will be $10 per student playing. This covers their entry and rental on the marker and mask. The youth ministry will cover the paint.
We will meet at Outlaw Paintball in Pflugerville at 2:45 pm so we can get instructions before our play time at 3 pm. We will be done at 5 pm.
Deadline to sign up is JANUARY 29TH!
Join us for First Sunday Meal! The menu for February is TBD.
On this special night, Churches of Christ all over Austin gather to worship together. This gathering at the Church of Christ at Eastside will be a wonderful time of worship, scripture, and fellowship.
Each year, we take the time to dedicate our newborn (or new to our church family) children to the Lord. We encourage parents and challenge the church family to be a support in raising our children in the Lord. Join us for this wonderful time of encouragement!
Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in our annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 15 at 6 pm.
Join us for a time of worship, counsel and comfort in Scripture, congregational song, remembering loved ones who have gone, pravers, and quiet reflections. This time to reflect is provided by Lifeline Chaplaincy.
You’re Invited to a Ladies’ Christmas Party!
Join us for an evening filled with holiday cheer, delicious cookies, and festive ornaments!
Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ, A-150
Bring your favorite cookies to share, along with a holiday ornament for our exchange. This will be a great opportunity to enjoy good company, create joyful memories, and celebrate the season together.
We look forward to celebrating the spirit of Christmas with you!
Join us for First Sunday Meal! The menu for November is TBD.
Looking for a safe alternative to Trick or Treating? Looking for a fun event for the whole family? Looking for a way to get all the use out of that Power Rangers costume you purchased?? Then join us on Sunday, October 27th for our annual Trunk or Treat! Bring your (costumed!) child and/or family to walk the promenade full of decorated trunks and yummy treats. There will be corndogs and other snacks. Come ready to cast your vote for your favorite trunk of the evening. For more information about Trunk or Treat, please email Lyndsey at
Join us for our annual Walk 4 Water on Sunday, October 20 and be a part of helping to raise money to build wells in places where they don’t have access to clean water. Registration starts at 3:30 pm, the walk begins at 4:00 pm, and a meal will follow the walk.
Join us for First Sunday Meal! The menu for October is TBD.
On this special night, Churches of Christ all over Austin gather to worship together. This gathering at the Leander Church of Christ will be a wonderful time of worship, scripture, and fellowship.
Let’s come together for a day of laughter, friendly competition, and unforgettable memories. Starting at 9:30 am, we will have a wide variety of classic and new games for all ages, large group family games (and maybe prizes and surprises for winners!), and yummy lunch together.
Feel free to bring your favorite board games or card games, and don’t forget your competitive spirit! Please also bring yourself and your child a water bottle/beverage container for our time together.
Please RSVP by September 20 so Lyndsey can make sure I have enough lunch for everyone. We can’t wait to see you there!
One of the most influential and life shaping sermons ever was given by Jesus on top of a mountain. It altered the way we think about how we treat one another and how we view others.
Ladies of all ages are invited to BOCC for Ladies Bible Class, studying the Sermon on the Mount,, starting on September 11 at 10 am in room A-150.
Prayer is so important in all aspects of life, but especially as our students, faculty, staff, and administrators go back to school. Join us on Sunday, August 25 for Back to School Sunday, where we will spend time in our assembly praying over all those groups of people. Bible classes start at 9 am, worship at 10:15 am with lunch to follow. We hope to see you then!
Each summer, our students going into 9th grade through freshmen year in college travel to Tulsa, OK to work with the Contact Church of Christ. They work with low income families and children, teaching, serving, and loving in the name of Jesus.
For more information or to sign up your high schooler, visit
On this special night, Churches of Christ all over Austin gather to worship together. This gathering here at Brentwood Oaks will be a wonderful time of worship, scripture, and fellowship.
Please join us Monday, June 24th for our Women's Summer Social. We will enjoy a Salad Potluck together as well as play Mexican Train. (Don't worry if you do not know the rules. You will catch on quickly and discover what a fun game this is!)
If you have any questions, please email us at
Can't wait to see you there!
Please review the available slots below and sign up to bring something for our potluck dinner.
Drinks will be provided.
Every year, we attend second session at Camp Blue Haven. It’s for all students going into 5th grade through college freshmen in the fall of 2024.
Brentwood Oaks takes a bus each year for a fee. You can find out more and register for the bus here:
Join us for a time of fellowship, refreshments, and music on the children's ministry patio following our Wednesday night Bible classes.
Join us for a fun, casual painting party!! You will learn how to paint a beautiful landscape taught by our very own Stephen Stewart. All fees will go directly to sending the Brazil Mission team to Sao Luis this June 2024. All supplies are provided and you will go home with your very own artwork!
Bring your family and come worship with us at 5:00 pm in the auditorium and then have dinner and assemble homeless bags in the FLC. Please bring supplies and put them in the collection box in the foyer.
Every year on the third Sunday in May, we celebrate our high school graduates. Join us on Sunday, May 19 as we honor our Seniors and thank God for their gifts, talents, and achievements.