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BOCC Church Retreat 2025
to Apr 13

BOCC Church Retreat 2025

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The Brentwood Oaks Church Retreat has been a gathering of our church family since 1974. In those 50 years, many fish have been caught (and dutifully released), many softballs tossed, many wonderful meals have been prepared, eaten, and cleaned up. Many friendships have begun and been nurtured, but most of all many, many people have drawn closer to God and to their Christian brothers and sisters during this time we enjoy together in God’s beautiful creation.

It is a great time to get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, to slow down and listen to the birds or just to watch children play. You can enjoy a cup of coffee quietly down by the waterside or enjoy a cookie with a friend on the porch.  Encouragement comes on the wings of the songs we offer in praises to our Lord and Savior. 

During these years, many kids who grew up coming to this retreat are now returning with their own children. Please join us as we continue this tradition of making wonderful memories in this corner of God’s heaven here on earth.

The 2025 Church Retreat is April 11-13

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BOCC Church Retreat 2024
to Mar 24

BOCC Church Retreat 2024

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Brentwood Oaks Church Retreat has been a gathering of our church family since 1974. In those 50 years, many fish have been caught (and dutifully released), many softballs tossed, many wonderful meals have been prepared, eaten, and cleaned up. Many friendships have begun and been nurtured, but most of all many, many people have drawn closer to God and to their Christian brothers and sisters during this time we enjoy together in God’s beautiful creation.

It is a great time to get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, to slow down and listen to the birds or just to watch children play. You can enjoy a cup of coffee quietly down by the waterside or enjoy a cookie with a friend on the porch.  Encouragement comes on the wings of the songs we offer in praises to our Lord and Savior. 

During these years, many kids who grew up coming to this retreat are now returning with their own children. Please join us as we continue this tradition of making wonderful memories in this corner of God’s heaven here on earth.

The 2024 Church Retreat is March 22-24

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Family Retreat 2023
to Apr 2

Family Retreat 2023

The Brentwood Oaks Family Retreat has been a gathering of our church family since 1974. In those 49 years, many fish have been caught (and dutifully released), many softballs tossed, many wonderful meals have been prepared, eaten, and cleaned up. Many friendships have begun and been nurtured, but most of all many, many people have drawn closer to God and to their Christian brothers and sisters during this time we enjoy together in God’s beautiful creation.

It is a great time to get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, to slow down and listen to the birds or just to watch children play. You can enjoy a cup of coffee quietly down by the waterside or enjoy a cookie with a friend on the porch.  Encouragement comes on the wings of the songs we offer in praises to our Lord and Savior. 

During these years, many kids who grew up coming to this retreat are now returning with their own children. Please join us as we continue this tradition of making wonderful memories in this corner of God’s heaven here on earth.

The 2023 Family Retreat is March 31-April 2.

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Chili Cook Off
5:00 PM17:00

Chili Cook Off

Join us following our Sunday evening singing for a chili cook off! There are 4 categories you can enter: Texas, exotic, Yankee, and hot. There will also be a category for best cornbread. Bring your best chili, cornbread, or chili toppings to the FLC before our singing time.

During the meal, we will also have the opportunity to provide encouragement to homebound members by making cards.

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Men's Ministry Service Day
11:00 AM11:00

Men's Ministry Service Day

The Men’s Ministry is planning to host a Service Day for the church and community on January 21 from 11 AM to 1 PM.

Men will be preparing a BBQ Ribs lunch and offering our services to all who attend. Services we plan to offer during this include auto checkups, home maintenance consultations, technology support, and a collection of tools available to those in need. You can also sign up to learn how to cook ribs.

We will also have fun and games for the whole family to enjoy fellowship.

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